I help women (and occasionally men) to see their true identity, gifts, energy blocks and full potential through interpreting their natal charts in one-on-one sessions. Each planet holds valuable information about personality traits, natural talents, struggles, ultimate purpose and areas of life that should be focused on!

When I share this knowledge with my clients, they are left with a strong sense of self understanding and empowerment.

I do this work because I myself know what it feels like to be lost and to repeat the same patterns over and over and not understand why nothing changed. Despite having many interests, I didn’t understand what I was truly meant to do with my life. I personally know what a gift and revelation my natal chart offered me, and I know how much it can help others to tap into the gifts they were meant to share. 

I also believe that our relationship to the Earth and nature is as important as our relationship to ourselves. I often ask clients how often they get outside and spend time paying attention to the cycles of nature. Both must be nurtured to live a full and peaceful life.


Tara Redfield is a professional astrologer currently based in Bend, Oregon and Co-Host of the astrology podcast, It’s a Sign! The Art of Alignment. She received her certification in astrology from the Los Angeles Astrology School where she has also taught beginner astrology courses.

She offers private natal chart and forecast readings for where ever her clients are in life. Her astrology insight has been featured on the popular lifestyle sites Bustle, Yahoo!, and the women’s lifestyle blog, Jumble & Flow. She has been an occasional guest on the astrology podcast, The Inside Connection.

Her lifestyle & Astrology brand, Another Day Greener, was launched to help others through astrology and to educate and inspire others one day at a time, by looking at ways to live more sustainably and in tune with nature.

Redfield genuinely loves to bring inspirational content to her audience through videos, images, and story-telling — and loves helping others to find their purpose in life. She is a Virgo rising, Sagittarius sun and Cancer moon.