Call in more LOVE with Venus in Pisces - Ritual Included!

Yesterday, March 11th, Venus floated into Pisces - her sign of exaltation! This means that her powers for love, compassion, and empathy will be heightened and positively received now through April 4th! This is beautiful energy to take advantage of, which is why I’m including a powerful ritual in this mailing. Whether you’re looking to manifest deeper self-love, a new partner, or strengthen the love bond in your existing relationships, Venus in Pisces serves as an incredible conduit!

The signs who will have the strongest connection to this transit will be Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio - but of course we can all take advantage of this enlightened transit!

Born with Venus in Pisces? You are deeply sensitive to the emotions of others and often feel a strong desire to help and nurture those in need. You are also willing to make sacrifices for the ones you love and may put the needs of your partner or loved ones above your own, sometimes to your own detriment. You have a strong creative streak and may express yourself artistically through various mediums such as music, art, dance, or writing. Your creativity is often inspired by your emotions and imagination!

For this ritual you will need - A candle (preferably pink or red), incense or essential oil (rose, lavender, or jasmine are good choices), a piece of paper and a pen, a small bowl of water and as an extra option, crystals such as rose quartz or amethyst.

Ritual for Inviting More Love into Your Life

Let’s Begin…

Prepare Your Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Cleanse the space by burning the incense or diffusing the essential oil, visualize it clearing away any stagnant energy and making room for love to enter.

Set Your Intention: Sit comfortably on your favorite blanket or a pillow and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by a warm, loving energy. Set your intention clearly in your mind: to invite more love into your life in all its forms – romantic, platonic, self-love, and love from others.

Light the Candle: Light the candle and place it in front of you. As you watch the flame, imagine it as a magnet, pulling in love from the universe.

Write Your Desires: Take your piece of paper and write down what you desire in terms of love. Be specific about the qualities you seek in a romantic partner, the type of relationships you want to cultivate, or the ways in which you want to deepen your self-love. Fold the paper and hold it between your palms, infusing it with your intentions.

Invoke Divine Assistance: Call upon Venus, and any other divine beings, angels, or guides that resonate with you to support you in your quest for love. You can say a simple prayer or invocation asking for their guidance and assistance.

Immerse in Water: Dip the folded paper into the bowl of water, symbolizing the purification and cleansing of your desires. As you do so, visualize the water infusing your intentions with purity and clarity.

Affirmation: Hold the wet paper in your hands and say aloud affirmations such as, "I am deserving of love in all its forms," or "I am open to receiving love from the universe."

Release: Open your hands and let the paper float or sink into the water, releasing your desires to the universe. Trust that the universe will deliver what is in alignment with your highest good.

Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the love that already exists in your life, whether it's from friends, family, pets, or the love you have for yourself.

Close the Ritual: Blow out the candle, thanking the flame for its role in the ritual. Sit quietly for a few moments, feeling the love and warmth that surrounds you. Carry the energy of the ritual with you throughout your day, remaining open to the signs and opportunities that the universe may send your way.

Remember, the key to any ritual is to perform it with sincerity, faith, and an open heart. Trust in the process, and know that love is always available to those who seek it!

Tara Redfield