Ritual: Honor your Inner Goddess as Venus and the Moon Align in Cancer!

On May 23rd, 2023 we have an alignment that makes me feel especially empowered - Venus aligns with Mother Moon at 17° in the Moon’s home sign of caring, nurturing, and tenacious Cancer. The meeting of the two great feminine bodies of the cosmos is always special, but in the sign of Cancer, it’s deeply profound and not to be ignored. This energy is a potent combination of love, compassion, and emotional depth. Themes of self-care and emotional well-being are prioritized. Let’s all honor the powerful and radiant feminine energy we possess!

Do you have Venus conjunct the Moon in your natal chart? No matter the sign placement, you possess a remarkable capacity for empathy, and creating a nurturing and harmonious atmosphere in your relationships.

For anyone with planets or major angles between 15 - 19° in Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio, and Pisces, expect emotions to be felt intensely today!

To assist you in accessing the empowering nature of this conjunction, follow the ritual below…


Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Gather items that symbolize love, beauty, and nurturing, such as fresh flowers, crystals (such as rose quartz or moonstone), candles, pillows, soft blankets, and a journal. Dress in comfortable clothing that makes you feel connected to your femininity and inner radiance. To add more ambiance, you are also welcome to play soft, soothing music.

Ritual Steps

  1. Take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and connect with the present moment. Visualize roots growing from the soles of your feet, grounding you to the Earth's nurturing energy. Feel yourself becoming rooted, stable, and connected.

  2. Light a candle and set your intentions for the ritual. What would you like to cultivate or invite into your life? It could be self-love, deep connections, emotional healing, or any other intention that resonates with you.

  3. Set a timer for 10 - 15 minutes. Hold a moonstone or rose quartz crystal in your hands, or place your hands over your heart, close your eyes, and envision a gentle, glowing light surrounding you. Visualize the radiant energy of the Moon and Venus merging within your heart center, infusing you with love, beauty, and compassion. Feel this energy expanding and flowing through every cell of your being. Focus on everything in your life that fills you with gratitude.

  4. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and bring your awareness back to the present moment. Express thanks for the experience and the energy you've invoked. Slowly extinguish the candle, knowing that the energy you've connected with will continue to support and guide you on your journey.

  5. Take your journal and write down any insights, emotions, or desires that arise during this visualization. Allow your thoughts and feelings to flow freely onto the pages, capturing the essence of the Venus-Moon energy within you. You can also reflect on your relationships, your self-care practices, and the ways you can enhance your connection to love and nurturing in your life.

Feel free to add or modify any steps to align with your intuition and needs. Allow the transformative energy of Venus conjunct the Moon in Cancer to inspire self-love, deep connections, and a radiant embrace of your feminine essence.

Thank you so much for reading this message. Please forward to anyone who would enjoy this astrological insight!

Tara Redfield