Lunar Eclipse in Libra: Do's and Don'ts!

Early this morning the Lunar Eclipse in Libra emerged as a pivotal moment for introspection and alignment. We will continue to feel the vibrations of this alignment throughout the week. Libra, the sign of relationships, balance, and harmony, inflates this lunar event with energies that ask us to recalibrate our approach to relationships and equilibrium in our lives.

We are being asked to let go of old patterns that no longer allow us to expand - especially when it comes to how we interact with others. It’s time to let go of people-pleasing, co-dependencies, and those partnerships that undervalue us and make us feel small.

To harness this transformative potential, it's essential to navigate these currents with mindfulness and intention. I made a list of do's and don'ts to help you through the ebbs and flows this week!

To know where specifically the 2024 eclipses are happening for you, look to the houses in your natal chart ruled by Libra and Aries.

If you’d like a comprehensive break-down of this year’s eclipse cycle, you’re welcome to purchase the recording of my live workshop, The 2024 Eclipses.

Navigating the Lunar Eclipse in Libra: The Do's and Don’ts for Cosmic Harmony

As we navigate the currents of this Lunar Eclipse, I offer these guiding principles to cultivate harmony, balance, and alignment in our lives. Let’s embrace the transformative energies of the eclipse as catalysts for growth, knowing that through conscious intention and mindful action, we can analyze our feelings and circumstances with grace and wisdom.


  • Cultivate Inner Balance: Embrace practices that foster inner equilibrium, such as meditation, yoga, or journaling. Take time to reflect on areas of your life where balance is needed and commit to nurturing harmony within yourself.

  • Foster Healthy Relationships: Use this eclipse as an opportunity to strengthen your connections with loved ones. Engage in open and honest communication, listening with empathy and compassion. Seek mutual understanding and strive to find common ground, fostering harmony in your relationships.

  • Set Boundaries: Establishing healthy boundaries is crucial during this time. Honor your needs and priorities, and communicate them assertively to others. Recognize when you need to say no and prioritize self-care without guilt or apology.

  • Embrace Diplomacy: Approach conflicts or disagreements with a spirit of diplomacy and compromise. Seek win-win solutions that honor the needs of all parties involved. Practice active listening and strive to understand different perspectives before seeking resolution.

  • Focus on Self-Reflection: Utilize the introspective energy of the eclipse to delve into your inner landscape. Reflect on your values, goals, and aspirations, and discern whether your current path aligns with your authentic self. Embrace self-discovery as a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.


  • Avoid Impulsive Decisions: The intense energies of eclipses can sometimes lead to impulsive or rash decisions. Avoid making major life choices impulsively during this time. Instead, take a step back, weigh your options carefully, and consider the long-term consequences of your actions.

  • Suppress Emotions: Lunar eclipses can bring buried emotions to the surface, prompting intense feelings or reactions. Rather than suppressing or denying these emotions, allow yourself to experience them fully. Practice self-compassion and seek healthy outlets for processing and expressing your feelings.

  • Engage in Power Struggles: Avoid getting drawn into power struggles or conflicts fueled by ego during this sensitive time. Instead, prioritize cooperation, collaboration, and mutual respect in your interactions with others. Choose harmony over winning at all costs.

  • Neglect Self-Care: Amidst the intensity of the eclipse energies, it's easy to neglect self-care practices. However, self-care is essential for maintaining balance and well-being. Prioritize self-care rituals that nourish your body, mind, and spirit, ensuring you emerge from the eclipse feeling replenished and grounded.

  • Resist Change: Lunar Eclipses herald a period of transformation and growth. Embrace the changes that arise with openness and receptivity, even if they seem daunting at first. Trust in the wisdom of the universe and the unfolding of your unique journey.

Tara Redfield