The Full Moon in Aquarius! Embrace Change!

This Full Moon occurs at 9° Aquarius at 11:32 am PST / 2:32 pm EST on August 1st, 2023. It will be most impactful for those with planets and angles between 7° — 11° of fixed and air signs; Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra

The month begins with a vibrant and electric Full Moon in Aquarius - resulting in energy that’s a potent blend of innovative insights and social awareness. It invites us to embrace our quirks, celebrate diversity, and cultivate a sense of unity. It encourages us to welcome change on both personal and societal levels and also empowers us to break free from self-imposed limitations and the patterns that may have us feeling “stuck” or bored.

Aquarius, an air sign ruled by the unconventional and change-loving planet Uranus, is associated with intellect, originality, and humanitarianism. This sign is known for its ability to detach from emotion, allowing us to objectively make decisions. Today, we can navigate conflicts and challenges with a balanced perspective and clearly see the value of setting emotions aside momentarily to find fair resolutions.

Aquarius also rules friendships and this Moon is a great excuse to gather with friends and appreciate the connections that you value in your life. With the Full Moon also being a time of release, some of us may decide that we have friendships or groups that we’ve outgrown, and that’s ok! Every connection serves its purpose and sometimes we need to let go of a connection to allow a new one to come in.

The planetary ruler of this moon, Uranus, is making a harmonizing trine to Neptune today, reminding us of the great openness of the Universe and our cosmic unity. This offers us a rebirth of hope and ideals for humanity!


  1. Reflecting on your unique qualities and interests, how can you further embrace your individuality and express your authentic self? What makes you different from everyone else?

  2. What do you need to break free from? What steps can you take?

  3. Where in life do you take things too personally? How can you detach?

Born on an Aquarius Full Moon

Kate Bush, English singer, songwriter, musician and record producer, was born on an Aquarius Full Moon. Her musical style has been described as “eclectic” and “idiosyncratic”which made her one of the United Kingdom's most successful solo female performers of the past 30 years. Her hit song, Running up That Hill had a resurgence in popularity last year after being featured on the Stranger Things soundtrack. Her unique approach and style when it comes to music, strongly showcase her Aquarian energy!

Tara Redfield