The New Moon in Scorpio - Face your Fears!

This New Moon occurs at 20° Scorpio on Monday, November 13th at 1:27 am PST / 4:27 am EST. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 18° — 22° of Fixed and Air Signs; Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, and Pisces

This is turning out to be a more turbulent Scorpio season than I was expecting… but with Mars and Uranus playing large roles I shouldn’t have been so surprised! I want to emphasize, that the energy from tomorrow’s alignment can feel intense and even chaotic, as this New Moon is conjunct warrior Mars and in opposition to the planet of breakthroughs and chaos, Uranus. It’s possible that an unpredictable, disruptive event could occur in your personal life, or somewhere in the world today. Pay special attention to your surroundings and move with caution today and throughout the week (especially you - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius).

That being said, there are some positive uses for tomorrow’s New Moon! We know that the sign Scorpio encourages us to embrace change, transformation, and rebirth – making this the perfect time to shed old habits, release what no longer serves us, and make space for fresh beginnings. Whether you're starting a new project, setting intentions, or embarking on a personal journey, Scorpio's energy is here to guide you towards your desired transformational destination.

This New Moon celebrates emotional depth and honesty and encourages us to connect with our innermost feelings, fostering a sense of vulnerability.  Dive into the depths of your emotions, have intimate, heartfelt conversations, and strengthen the bonds with your loved ones. We are now invited to confront our fears and find emotional healing in the process. It is only in walking through our fears that we overcome them. We must embrace the darkness to see the light!

Today and the week ahead is a potent time to set intentions. With the support of Scorpio's determination and intensity, our intentions pack an extra punch! What do you want to manifest in your life at this moment? Focus on your desires and commit to the changes you wish to see. Scorpio energizes your goals and makes them feel attainable.

Ready to step through the fears that you might not even be fully conscious of? Read below for your Moon sign!

What Fears to Step Through and Face Based on Your Moon Sign!

The Moon holds our subconscious thoughts and fears, when we confront them we can become a more authentic and aligned version of ourselves.

Moon in Aries: Step through your fears of failure, not succeeding or falling short of your goals. You’re often a natural leader and risk-taker, but the fear of not succeeding can hold you back. Stepping through this fear involves embracing challenges, learning from failures, and using setbacks as opportunities for growth.

Moon in Taurus: Step through your fears of change, surprises, and instability. You have a tendency to resist change and cling to familiar routines and environments. Stepping through these fears involves embracing new experiences, being open to different perspectives, and adapting to evolving circumstances.

Moon in Gemini: Step through your fear of making decisions that may lead to commitment. You are known for your duality, being symbolized by the Twins. This duality can manifest in various ways, including a fear of making decisions or plans that lead to long-term commitment. Stepping through this fear could involve embracing commitments, trusting in your ability to make choices, and recognizing that commitment doesn't necessarily mean losing freedom.

Moon in Cancer: Step through your fears of vulnerability and rejection. Your fear of vulnerability can manifest as a hesitancy to open up to others or express your true emotions. Stepping through this fear involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable, embracing your emotions, and trusting that expressing your true feelings can lead to deeper connections with others.

Moon in Leo: Step through your fear of not being admired or appreciation for your talents and efforts. Your fear of not being acknowledged can be a significant challenge because you naturally seek validation from outside sources. Stepping through this fear involves developing a sense of self-worth that is not solely dependent on external validation, embracing the possibility of setbacks as learning opportunities, and recognizing that failure or lack of attention does not diminish your inherent value.

Moon in Virgo: Step through your fears of imperfection and criticism. Your fear of imperfection might lead to hesitation, self-doubt, procrastination or a reluctance to take risks. Stepping through this fear involves accepting that perfection is unattainable, embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth, and understanding that criticism doesn't define your worth.

Moon in Libra: Step through your fears of conflict or making unpopular decisions. Your fear of conflict leads you to avoid difficult conversations or assert your own needs. Stepping through this fear involves learning to navigate and manage conflict constructively, expressing your own opinions and needs even if you fear disagreement, and accept that sometimes making decisions that promote fairness may not always please everyone.

Moon in Scorpio: Step through your fear of abandonment and betrayal. Your fear of abandonment might manifest as being resistant to fully opening up to others and your fear of betrayal could lead to trust issues and difficulties in forming deep connections. Stepping through these fears involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable, have faith in others, and recognize that not everyone will betray your trust.

Moon in Sagittarius: Step through your fear of being tied down. Your fear of commitment might manifest as a reluctance to settle down or make long-term plans. Stepping through this fear involves finding a balance between freedom and commitment, recognizing that commitment doesn't necessarily mean losing independence, and embracing the idea that long-term connections and responsibilities can enhance personal growth.

Moon in Capricorn: Step through your fear of not meeting your own or others' expectations. Your fear of letting others down might manifest as a hesitancy to take risks or a reluctance to pursue goals that feel challenging. Stepping through this fear involves embracing the possibility of setbacks, learning from failures, and understanding that your worth is not solely determined by external achievements.

Moon in Aquarius: Step through your fear of emotional intimacy and conformity. Your fear of emotional intimacy might manifest as a preference for intellectual or group connections over intimate, one-on-one relationships. Stepping through this fear involves allowing yourself to be vulnerable in personal relationships, expressing your emotions, and recognizing the value of deep connections.

Moon in Pisces: Step through your fear of setting boundaries and facing reality. Your fear of boundaries might show up as a tendency to always say ‘yes’, escape into daydreams or have difficulty setting clear personal boundaries. To overcome this fear, it's about finding a balance between imagination and reality, learning to set healthy boundaries in relationships, and facing practical matters with a gentle, grounded approach.

Tara Redfield