10 Tips for Navigating Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

It’s that time again! Technically, the planet of communication stations retrograde tomorrow, but some of us may have been feeling the effects already! I’m sure many of you are familiar with what to expect during a Mercury Retrograde period, but it’s always good to be reminded! Let’s properly prepare for this Mercury Retrograde specifically in the sign of detail-oriented Virgo!

Also, it’s important to note that Mercury will be retrograde along with Venus (through Sept. 4th), Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus (starting August 29th). This grouping of slowed down planets can make our own lives feel extra slow moving. Practicing patience and caution are key during this time - especially tomorrow through Sept. 4th with Venus still involved!

I put together some valuable insights and my practical tips so you can navigate this sometimes challenging transit with grace and confidence! If you want to add it to your planners and calendars, Mercury will remain retrograde through September 15th!

Who will feel this retrograde the strongest?

  • Those with mutable sign placements (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) between 8°— 21°.

  • Those with Virgo and Gemini rising charts…Mercury is your chart ruler after all!

    Remember that all of us can also look to see which houses Virgo and Gemini rule in our natal charts, as these areas of life and can be up for review and reflection for the next few weeks!

Born during a Mercury Retrograde period?

If you were born during a Mercury Retrograde period, you will see an “RX” next to Mercury in your natal chart. For some, this placement can cause challenges with learning and communication, but it can also enhance your ability to think deeply and critically about things.

You might approach problems from a unique perspective or be able to see nuances that others might miss!

You also have enhanced intuition and psychic abilities and an innate ability to tap into subconscious thoughts and insights. Generally, Mercury Retrograde periods can feel comfortable for you and you don’t notice as many challenges as others.

10 Tips for Surviving and Thriving

  1. Embrace Patience: Mercury Retrograde periods are notorious for causing delays and disruptions. Rather than resisting, practice patience and flexibility. Use this time to revisit and revise your plans, allowing yourself to adapt to unexpected changes.

  2. Triple-Check Communication: Virgo is all about precision, so ensure that your messages, emails, and important documents are clear and accurate. Misunderstandings can easily arise during this time, so take an extra moment to review before sending.

  3. Back Up Your Data: Technological hiccups are common during Mercury Retrograde. Protect your digital information by regularly backing up your data. This precautionary step can save you from potential headaches caused by lost files or crashed devices.

  4. Reevaluate and Reflect: Virgo's influence encourages self-reflection and analysis. Take advantage of this energy by revisiting your goals, projects, and commitments. Is there anything that needs fine-tuning or restructuring? Use this time to make necessary adjustments.

  5. Practice Self-Care: Mercury Retrograde can amplify stress and anxiety. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. Prioritizing your well-being will help you navigate any challenges with greater resilience.

  6. Avoid Major Decisions: It's advisable to hold off on making major life decisions during Mercury Retrograde. The clarity of judgment may be compromised, and you might not have all the information you need. Wait until the cosmic winds settle before committing.

  7. Clear the Clutter: Virgo loves organization and cleanliness. Use this period to declutter your physical and mental space. A tidy environment can help alleviate stress and create a more harmonious atmosphere.

  8. Stay Grounded: The analytical energy of Virgo can sometimes lead to overthinking. Counteract this tendency by staying grounded. Engage in activities that connect you with your body, such as exercise or cooking nourishing meals.

  9. Practice Compassionate Communication: Mercury Retrograde can exacerbate misunderstandings. Approach conversations with empathy and a willingness to listen. Choose your words carefully to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

  10. Embrace Serendipity: Despite its challenges, Mercury Retrograde can also bring unexpected gifts and encounters. Stay open to serendipitous moments and opportunities that may arise seemingly out of nowhere.

Want to better understand how this Mercury Retrograde will affect you specifically? Book a reading with me!

Tara Redfield