The Rare Wonder of the Blue Moon

This Blue Moon occurs at 7° Pisces at 6:36 pm PST / 9:36 pm EST on August 30th. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 10° — 13° of Mutable and Water signs; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio

While the name may lead us to believe the moon changes to a blue color, a blue moon in fact refers to the occurrence of an additional full moon within a single calendar month or a “zodiacal” month, when a full moon happens at the beginning and end of a zodiac season. Usually, we see just one full moon per month or per sign, but due to the misalignment between the lunar cycle (roughly 29.5 days) and our calendar months (ranging from 28 to 31 days), the occasional blue moon emerges – a phenomenon happening roughly every 2 to 3 years!

Throughout history, different cultures have ascribed various meanings to the blue moon. In Celtic folklore, it has often been associated with heightened emotions, transformation, and rare opportunities. Some Native American tribes believed that the blue moon was a time of spiritual significance, ideal for ceremonies and reflection. Others considered it a harbinger of change or a time for granting wishes.

With this specific placement in the sign of Pisces - the dreamer, the poet, and the empath - tomorrow’s blue moon offers us a unique opportunity to embrace our emotions fully, dissolving the boundaries between the conscious and the subconscious. This is a time when the veils between the seen and the unseen are at their thinnest, making it a magical moment for exploring spiritual practices, divination, and meditation. Piscean energy encourages us to quiet our minds and listen to our intuition. It's during this time that our inner voice is likely to speak the loudest.

With Saturn sitting closely to the Moon right now (within 4°) and opposing the Sun, we can feel much more serious and introverted tomorrow. We can also have a harder time describing our feelings. However, it’s important to note that the ruler of this Moon, Neptune in Pisces, is well supported in a sextile from both Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus - giving us the power to release what’s holding us back with grace and courage!

Let this rare moon energy remind us that the universe is an unpredictable expanse, capable of bestowing us with awe-inspiring events when we least expect them. Remember the truth that anything can happen at any moment and dreams can come true. Let’s always strive to infuse our lives with a touch of wonder and magic. Feel free to use the mantras and journal prompts below to open your heart to this moon!

Magical Mantras

  • I release old wounds, allowing healing waters to cleanse my soul, under the Piscean moon's compassionate glow.

  • With the full blue moon in Pisces, I release doubts and fears, embracing the ocean of possibilities that lie ahead.

  • Under the full blue moon's illumination, I let go of control, trusting the currents of life to guide me, just as Pisces surrenders to the tides.

  • As the blue moon rises, I release attachments to outcomes, finding peace in the ebb and flow of existence.

  • In the gentle light of the Pisces full moon, I release self-criticism and embrace self-love, flowing with the universal stream of compassion.

Journal Prompts

  1. How has your intuition been guiding you during this time?

  2. How can you use the gentle and compassionate energy of Pisces to let go of any burdens and create space for healing and growth?

  3. Do you trust that the Universe is always supporting you? If not, where does your distrust come from? How can you strengthen your faith?

Please forward this message to anyone else who would enjoy this information!

Tara Redfield