The New Moon in Virgo - Wish for Stability!

The Last New Moon in an Earth Sign until 2024!

This New Moon occurs at 21° Virgo at 6:40 pm PST / 9:40 pm EST. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 19° — 23° of Mutable and Earth signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Taurus, and Capricorn.

This Thursday we welcome the New Moon in Virgo, which will mark the last New Moon in an Earth sign until the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th of 2024.  Why is this information valuable? Earth signs are associated with stability, practicality, the material world, patience, and a grounded approach to life, and the new moon is associated with new beginnings and intention setting. When the New Moon is in an Earth sign, it provides a stable foundation for new endeavors!

Thanks to the patience and persistence of Earth, during this lunar phase, you may find it easier to stay committed to your intentions over the long term. It's a good time to lay down practical plans and work steadily toward your objectives.

Earth signs are often associated with financial stability and security, therefore, if you have financial goals or concerns, this New Moon can provide an auspicious time to address them and set intentions related to money management.

If you have been experiencing any difficulties with your physical well-being, this is a wise time to create a practical plan toward healing.

If you feel like life has been chaotic and erratic, this is also a powerful moon for calling in the feeling of being grounded.

If you want to work with the energy of Virgo specifically, it's time to declutter not only your physical spaces, but also your mental and emotional landscapes. Virgo's analytical nature allows us to see through the clutter and focus on what truly matters, paving the way for personal growth and greater clarity.

Overall, this is an ideal time for setting realistic goals and intentions that can be built upon steadily such as, financial stability, career advancements, and physical well-being. If you still wish to achieve certain goals related to these matters before the end of this year, don’t waste the magic of this moon and check out my ritual below!

Earth Moon Ritual for Stability

“Stability is everything. You need a solid ground to build anything on.” -unknown

Materials Needed - A green candle (to represent stability and abundance), a small bowl of salt (to purify and protect), a small bowl of water (to cleanse and flow), a piece of paper and a pen, a quiet and undisturbed space

Start by finding a quiet and peaceful space where you won't be disturbed - indoors or outdoors. Place the green candle in front of you, the bowl of salt to your left, and the bowl of water to your right. Take a few deep breaths to relax and clear your mind. Focus your thoughts on your intention for stability.

On the piece of paper, write down your stability intention in a positive and present tense. For example, "I am financially stable and secure" or “ my health and well-being are stable and consistent”.

Light the green candle and as you do so, say: "With this flame, I ignite the energy of ____ stability into my life." (you can fill in this blank with whatever kind of stability you are calling in)

Dip your fingertips into the bowl of salt and then touch the paper with your written intention. Visualize the salt purifying your intention. Say: "I purify this intention for ____ stability."

Dip your fingertips into the bowl of water and touch the paper again. Visualize the water cleansing and flowing abundance into your life. Say: "I cleanse and invite the flow of ____ stability into my life."

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Imagine yourself living a life of stability. For example, if you are calling in financial stability, visualize your bills paid, your debts cleared, and your financial goals achieved. Feel the security and abundance around you.

While visualizing, repeat a chant or affirmation that resonates with you, such as: "I am worthy of financial stability, and it flows to me effortlessly."

Fold the paper three times and hold it over the candle's flame (but don't let it catch fire). As it warms, say: "By the power of the flame, I seal this intention. So mote it be." Give your intention to Mother Earth to hold for you and bury the folded paper in the soil - do this in your yard or garden. Potted plants work too! Trust that the universe is working to manifest your stability. Release any doubts or worries.

Before closing the ritual, express gratitude by saying, "Thank you for the ____ stability that is coming into my life." Safely extinguish the candle, but remember that this intention is ongoing. You can relight the candle periodically to reinforce your intention. Rituals are personal and can be customized to suit your beliefs and preferences. Feel free to adapt this ritual to make it resonate with you more deeply!

Tara Redfield