Feel the Flow! Five Ways to Embrace our Retorgrade-Free Vacation!

I’m pleased to let you know a few days ago, on January 27th, Uranus stationed direct in Taurus, meaning that now, every single planet is moving in direct motion. Not a single planet is retrograde and won’t be again until April 1st! This gives us two solid months to push ahead in our endeavors and signifies a time of unimpeded forward momentum, where cosmic energies flow effortlessly, unencumbered by the introspective undertones of retrograde motion. This alignment heralds a phase of clarity and progress in our personal and collective journeys!

Embracing the Benefits:

  1. Clear Communication: With Mercury, the planet of communication, direct in its motion, misunderstandings and miscommunications are less likely to occur. This fosters smoother interactions, clearer expression of thoughts and ideas, and enhanced connectivity in relationships.

  2. Focused Action: Without the influence of retrograde planets, obstacles diminish, paving the way for decisive action and progress towards our goals. Projects that may have felt stalled or hindered now gain momentum, enabling us to make significant strides in various aspects of our lives.

  3. Stability and Groundedness: The absence of retrograde motion brings stability and a sense of groundedness to our endeavors. We feel more anchored in our decisions and experiences, confident in our ability to navigate challenges with resilience and grace.

  4. Enhanced Creativity: With the cosmic stage set for unimpeded expression, creativity flourishes during this period. Whether it's artistic pursuits, innovative problem-solving, or visionary thinking, the creative spark ignites, inspiring us to explore new avenues and possibilities.

  5. Optimism and Growth: The harmonious alignment of celestial energies infuses us with optimism and a sense of limitless potential. We are encouraged to embrace growth, seize opportunities, and cultivate a mindset of abundance.

During these two months of retrograde-free bliss, let’s enjoy the gifts of clarity, momentum, and growth just as the planets above are! Through mindful awareness and intentional action, we can harness the transformative power of this celestial alignment to manifest our dreams and aspirations with grace and purpose. Get clear on what you want to to work on and dig in!

Tara Redfield