Your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscope!

On January 20th, Pluto ingressed into the sign of Aquarius where the planet of death, rebirth, power, and transformation has not been since 1778 (aside from a few months last year). It takes Pluto an average of 250 years to make one full journey around the zodiac, so yes, when it enters a new sign the move is significant! I’m sure many of you felt the shift last week and perhaps experienced some strange events over the last few days.

Aquarius rules community, technology, individuality, and future-focused ideas. Collectively we can expect Pluto to bring big changes to these themes over the next 20 years!

Now, what about you personally? Pluto will be moving through a new house in your natal chart, which means new transformations will be coming to that area of your life. To get an idea of what to expect read your Pluto in Aquarius Horoscopes below!

Note - Additionally, If you have any planets or major angles between 0 - 2° of fixed signs - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, or Scorpio, you can expect transformational experiences to happen to you this year or next. I have Pluto at 1° Scorpio in my chart, so I will have the unavoidable Pluto square Pluto transit this year and next. I’m keeping an open mind and welcoming whatever the cosmos have in store for me. It’s the best attitude we can all have when it comes to Pluto transits!

What Pluto in Aquarius means for you…

*These readings are approximate, for the most accurate reading, reference your natal chart to see which house 00° Aquarius falls in and read for that house. For some of you, Pluto may not change houses for a few more years.

Aries Rising (11th house)

Your social influence is taking center stage in powerful ways over the next 20 years! Pluto's energy will guide you to make a positive impact within your community or social circles. Think of this transit as allowing you to be the ambassador of empowering vibes to those around you! You may find that certain friendships undergo significant shifts, and you’ll be drawn to connections that have a deeper and more meaningful impact on your life…and some connections may no longer align with your evolving values and goals, leading to a natural detachment from certain social circles and that’s ok! Pluto's influence may also prompt you to reassess and transform your goals for the future. You may be driven to pursue more meaningful and authentic objectives that align with your evolving self.

Taurus Rising (10th house)

Your career and public image are in for an intense makeover! Expect some major changes over the next 20 years – new roles, a different direction, or maybe a complete career switch. It's like your professional life is getting a big boost of confidence to go after your deepest desires! Remember, it's not just about the job; it's about finding purpose in what you do. On the other hand, you might start noticing power struggles or imbalances with colleagues or authority figures and may need to take charge and balance those professional scales. But overall, get ready for some serious achievements and maybe a few pats on the back!

Gemini Rising (9th House)

I hope you’re ready for some mind-expanding experiences! Pluto's bringing a wave of transformative learning into your life over the next 20 years. Higher education, courses, workshops – whatever fuels your curiosity, go for it. Knowledge is power, babe! Also know that your beliefs are under the cosmic microscope. Pluto's urging you to question, explore, and maybe even transform your long-held perspectives. It's like a philosophical journey – what do you truly believe in, and why? Whether it's solo backpacking trips, romantic getaways, or jet-setting with friends, travel is likely to bring huge transformative experiences to your life. Embrace new cultures, broaden your horizons, and let the journey change you!

Cancer Rising (8th House)

Brace yourself for some serious self-discovery and personal transformation because Pluto's encouraging you to shed old skin and embrace a deeper, more authentic version of yourself during this 20 year journey. Your fears and insecurities will be brought to the surface, but please don't worry, you're not alone in this – it's an opportunity to face those fears head-on and emerge even stronger on the other side. Also, whether it's with a partner or close friends, expect bonds to reach a whole new level of intimacy and closeness. You will be asked to open up like never before. Pluto's also nudging you to take a closer look at your financial situation and make empowering choices. It's like a financial reset for your ultimate prosperity!

Leo Rising (7th house)

Pluto's here to regenerate your relationships in a big way. Whether you're in a serious relationship or seeking one, get ready for a deepening of emotional bonds and the potential for a love story that transcends the ordinary. Your personal and even business relationships, especially deeply committed ones, will become more profound and intense. In some cases, you might be compelled to eliminate what no longer serves you in these relationships. This could involve letting go of unhealthy patterns or even ending certain relationships. While some relationships may end or change significantly, others may be reborn in a more authentic and meaningful way.

Virgo Rising (6th House)

Your work life is getting a serious update! Pluto's bringing changes to your daily grind – whether it's a new project, role, or a fresh approach to your tasks. There is a chance you could experience power struggles with co-workers, it will be best to address them head on. Pluto's inspiring you to streamline your daily routines for maximum productivity. Say goodbye to unnecessary stress and hello to a smoother flow in your day-to-day life. It’s also going to be a time of purging clutter in your life that isn’t adding value. It’s also time to hit the refresh button on your health routine! Pluto's encouraging you to adopt healthier habits, both physically and mentally. It's all about feeling your best and shining from the inside out. Remember, efficiency is the key. For the next 20 years Pluto aims to rebuild your habits.

Libra Rising (5th House)

Your creative juices are about to flow like a cosmic waterfall! Pluto's turning up the dial on your creative vibes and encouraging you to express yourself boldly and authentically. So go ahead and let your unique light shine! Whether it's art, writing, or any passion project, get ready to ride the wave of maximum self-expression. You can also expect exciting twists and turns in your romantic life. Whether you're single or in a relationship, get ready for heart-fluttering moments and deeper connections. Parents or anyone wanting to be a parent, now is the time you might go through pivotal experiences with your children or feel empowered to start a family.

Scorpio Rising (4th House)

Your attention will be brought to matters of the home and family! Pluto's urging you to navigate family dynamics, especially the ones with your parents or parental figures, with a fresh perspective. You can expect transformative conversations and gaining a deeper understanding of each other. This is also a time to let go of childhood wounds, past transgressions, and any emotional baggage that's weighing you down. It's time to create a space filled with positive energy and fresh beginnings. Pluto's also encouraging changes in your home – maybe a fresh coat of paint, rearranging furniture, or even finding new cozy nooks. Your space, your rules! This could also be a time where you’re pushed to find a new place to grow your roots.

Sagittarius Rising (3rd House)

Pluto's cranking up the mental power, sparking new ideas, and giving your thoughts a touch of magic. It’s like getting a mental glow-up! Pluto's boosting your communication skills, making your messages more meaningful, impactful, and compelling. Whether it's speaking, writing, podcasting, or texting, you can change lives with your words! You are also likely to have a few uncomfortable conversations, but they’re for the best. If you have siblings, those bonds take center stage during this time as well - expect transformative experiences or conversations with them. The point is to deepen those connections. Oh, and your local community is also calling! You’re likely to connect with your neighbors or community in more powerful ways over the next 20 years. Attend local events, join clubs, and let the neighborhood love inspire you.

Capricorn Rising (2nd House)

Your wallet is going to get a lot of attention over the next 20 years, because Pluto's bringing transformative energy to your finances and earning abilities. Get ready for new opportunities, better budgeting, and a financial landscape that will empower you. Create a financial plan, set goals, and be open to investment opportunities. Also know that your relationship with material possessions is evolving. Pluto's guiding you to let go of belongings that no longer serve you and make room for treasures that truly bring joy. It's time to redefine your values and reassess what truly matters to you. Most importantly, embrace your true value, both in and out of the financial realm.

Aquarius Rising (1st House)

Your sense of self is getting a complete renovation. Embrace the changes that come and let your inner sparkle shine because Pluto is taking you on a significant self-discovery journey over the next 20 years. Own your brilliance, embrace your uniqueness, and let confidence be your superpower. You might be drawn to completely revamp your style and appearance! Also know that your personal outlook on relationships might experience a shift. Pluto's prompting you to surround yourself with those who uplift and support your journey. Let go of connections that no longer align with your one-of-a-kind energy. Pluto's also encouraging a healthy relationship with your physical self, so treat your body like the fabulous temple it is and prioritize your physical well-being.

Pisces Rising (12th House)

You will experience one of the deepest journeys of all. Get ready to let go of old patterns, beliefs, and habits that no longer serve you. It's an intensely therapeutic time of deep cleaning for your mind and soul. Pluto will be diving to the bottom of your psyche and bringing any suppressed, hidden, and unhealed emotions to the surface. Welcome emotional healing, spiritual growth, and a profound sense of inner peace over the next 20 years as you face what has been hidden. Also, pay attention to synchronicities, trust your intuition, and feel the presence of something greater guiding you. Pluto's energy will bring vivid dreams and intuitive insights that guide you on your path.

Tara Redfield