Pluto in Aquarius: A Revolutionary Age

Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20th, 2024

I think it is rather remarkable and significant that Pluto is being escorted into Aquarius today by the Sun! The brightness and heat of the Sun is amplifying Pluto’s intensity! As we know, earlier last year Pluto first gave us an Aquarius-reign preview before retrograding back into Capricorn. During that brief visit, we noticed increased discussion on artificial intelligence (A.I.) - which is only fitting because Aquarius rules technology, science, and engineering.

We are at the very dawning of the age of Pluto in Aquarius, which will reveal a very different way of life than what we had been accustomed to during the last 16 years of Pluto in Capitalistic/Government-Centric Capricorn. It’s not quite over yet though, Pluto will retrograde back to Capricorn one final time briefly from September through early November. After that brief retrograde, Pluto will travel through Aquarius for the next 20 years.

In Aquarius, a sign known for its progressive ideals, community and humanitarian focus, and unconventional thinking, Pluto's influence is poised to catalyze profound shifts in societal structures and individual perspectives.

During the next two decades, there is a potential for a collective awakening, urging humanity to embrace cutting-edge ideas and unconventional approaches to longstanding issues. This transit may signify a departure from traditional power structures and hierarchical systems, paving the way for more egalitarian and community-focused solutions.

Given Aquarius' association with technological advancements, Pluto's journey through this sign will be a transformative era in the realm of technology. Breakthroughs in A.I., quantum computing, and scientific discoveries could redefine the way we perceive reality and interact with the world.

Ideally, for the next 20 years we as societies and communities can contribute to shaping a more equitable, enlightened, and interconnected world. It is a call to action, inviting us to actively collaborate in the creation of a future where humanity’s collective welfare takes precedence over individual interests.

Tara Redfield