The New Moon in Capricorn: Long-term Planning

New Moon in Capricorn

This New Moon occurs at 20° Capricorn at 3:57 am PST / 6:57 am EST on January 11th, 2024. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 18° — 22° of Cardinal and Earth Signs; Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, and Virgo.

Get out your journals, calendars, and vision boards!  This is the most beneficial New Moon of the year for setting big goals for the coming months! The New Moon in Capricorn brings forth a sense of grounded determination, urging us to plant the seeds of our aspirations in the fertile soil of our ambitions. Let’s envision the future we desire, but also take the practical steps needed to bring those visions to life.

We know that Capricorn's energy is all about climbing the metaphorical mountain of our goals. Use this New Moon as a powerful reset button, allowing you to clarify your ambitions and set intentions for success. Whether it's in your career, relationships, or personal growth, this is an opportune moment to reflect on where you've been and where you want to go.

Draw inspiration from the mountain’s unwavering stability and the tenacity of the goat scaling its heights. Trust in your abilities; believe in your journey. Your inner strength is the key to overcoming obstacles and manifesting the life you desire. As we ascend our personal mountains, remember that the support of friends, family, and kindred spirits can make the journey all the more rewarding.

The ruler of this Moon, Saturn, is well aspected today with sextiles from both Jupiter and Mars. These sextiles infuse our intentions with sustainable energy and optimism! We also have Uranus in Taurus creating a flowing trine to the Sun and Moon - exciting changes are available to us!

I believe that the universe is conspiring to support your journey. The goals that require patience and faith - these are the ones that Capricorn will aid you in achieving!

Journal Prompts

  • What practical actions can you take to move closer to your goals?

  • How can you create a structured routine or schedule to support your ambitions?

  • Reflect on the values and principles that guide your decision-making. How can you tap into your inner authority to make choices that align with your authentic self?

Tara Redfield