The Power of the Winter Solstice - Build your Altar!

This Thursday, the Winter Solstice will cloak us in darkness through the longest night of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere, but after, the Sun’s light will begin to grow again and a new cycle will start! In the quiet moments of this longest night, we can all celebrate the beauty that Winter brings and the promise of light returning to our lives.

Winter is more than just a change in weather; it's a magical time of transformation, a season that invites us to turn inward, reflect on the past, and anticipate the possibilities of the future. The Winter Solstice, carries with it a profound symbolism of renewal and hope.

As we observe the world around us slowing down, take this opportunity to cultivate your own inner warmth and illuminate the darkness with the light of gratitude, kindness, and reflection.

This season encourages us to find solace in the company of loved ones, to share stories around a bright, flickering fire, and to savor the simple pleasures of hot beverages, cozy blankets, and the delight of giving to others. It's a time to turn our gaze inward, nourish our souls, and embrace the wisdom that comes from stillness.

As the Sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and begins its ascent once again, be inspired by the resilience of nature and the promise of brighter days ahead. Let’s be grateful for the lessons of the past year and hopeful for the new opportunities that lie on the horizon. In the spirit of togetherness, warmth, and the magic of the season, I extend my heartfelt wishes to each of you for a joyous Winter Solstice.

And if you’d like…join me in building your own Winter Solstice altar — tips below!

Building a Winter Solstice altar is a beautiful way to connect with the natural rhythms of the season, honor ancient traditions, and welcome the returning light.

To get started. find a quiet space where you can build your Winter Solstice altar. This could be a table, a windowsill, or even a small corner of a room. Consider placing it in a location that receives some natural light, symbolizing the returning Sun.

Building your altar…

Representing the returning light, candles are a central element in Winter Solstice celebrations. Choose colors like white, gold, or silver to symbolize purity and illumination.

Incorporate branches or wreaths of evergreen plants, such as pine, juniper, or cedar, to symbolize life, continuity, and resilience in the face of Winter. You can also place a poinsettia on your altar. Pine cones, oranges, and Winter berries also add a nice t0uch.

Select crystals that align with the energy of the Winter Solstice, such as clear quartz for clarity or moonstone for introspection.

Include images or representations of the Sun to honor the celestial event of the solstice.

In some traditions, a Yule log is burned to symbolize the return of the sun's warmth. You can include a small log or create a symbolic representation.

You are also welcome to add images or figurines of Goddesses associated with the Solstice, such as the Norse Goddess Freyja.

Feel free to add any other items that resonate with you!

Now, arrange your chosen elements with intention and mindfulness. Consider the flow of energy and create a visually pleasing arrangement. Place the candles as a focal point, surrounded by evergreens and other symbolic items. I would love to see your creations! You are welcome to send me pictures!

Tara Redfield