The New Moon in Sagittarius - Luck is on Your Side

This New Moon occurs at 20° Sagittarius at 3:32 pm PST / 6:32 pm EST on Tuesday, December 12th, 2023. It will be most impactful for those with planets and major angles between 18° — 22° of Mutable and Fire Signs; Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Aries, and Leo.

Tomorrow we welcome the final New Moon of 2023, the New Moon in free-spirited, enthusiastic, Sagittarius! I don’t want to ignore the fact that Mercury also stations Retrograde today, so there, I mentioned it, but I’d much rather focus on this Moon! Now is an opportune moment to set powerful intentions. Take some time for introspection, connect with your innermost desires, and articulate your aspirations with clarity. The universe is attuned to your dreams during this celestial alignment, making it an ideal time to manifest your deepest wishes.

Write down your goals, create a vision board, or simply speak your intentions aloud under the expansive darkness of the New Moon. As you do so, visualize the archer's bow releasing your dreams into the universe, confident that it will conspire with you to bring them to fruition.

Sagittarius is known for its infectious optimism, and during the New Moon in this adventurous sign, it's essential to cultivate a positive mindset. Focus on the blessings in your life, no matter how small, and express gratitude for the journey you've traveled so far!

The universe is conspiring in your favor, and luck is on your side. Hoping this Moon can be a catalyst for positive transformation, guiding you toward a future filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment. Use my ritual below to honor the limitless optimism and abundance this moon brings!

Your Abundance Ritual

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eckhart Tolle 

This abundance ritual is a wonderful way to align yourself with the expansive and optimistic energies of the New Moon in Sagittarius. This ritual is designed to open the channels for abundance and prosperity to flow into your life. Feel free to adapt it to suit your personal preferences and spiritual practices!

What you will need…

Altar Space: Set up a dedicated space for your ritual, preferably facing the direction of the moon. Decorate it with items that symbolize abundance and prosperity, such as coins, greenery, or symbols that you associate with wealth.

Candles: Choose candles in the colors associated with Sagittarius – deep blue, purple, or gold – to represent the expansive and abundant energies of this sign.

Crystals: Select crystals that align with Sagittarius, such as amethyst for wisdom, citrine for abundance, or lapis lazuli for spiritual growth.

Offerings: Prepare an offering to the universe, such as a small bowl of honey, a handful of grains, or any other symbol of fertility and plenty.

Paper and Pen: Have a journal or a piece of paper and a pen for writing down your abundance intentions.

Let’s Begin…

Cleanse your space with incense or sage, allowing the smoke to purify the energy around you.

Light your candles, focusing on their warm glow as a representation of the Sagittarian fire element.

Place your offering on the altar as a symbolic gesture of your willingness to give and receive abundance. Express gratitude for the abundance that already exists in your life.

Take a few moments to sit down with your back upright and center yourself through several slow deep breaths. Visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, grounding you in the present moment.

With your pen and paper, write down your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. Focus on areas of your life where you want to expand, grow, and explore. Be specific and affirmative in your language. After you have written them down, with the clearest truth in your voice, say these intentions out loud. Feel the excitement and joy of these intentions already existing.

Hold the chosen crystals in your hands and charge them with your intentions. Place them on your altar or carry them with you as a reminder of the abundance you are calling in.

Express gratitude to the universe for the abundance that is on its way. Feel a sense of appreciation and trust in the divine timing of your manifestations.

Conclude the ritual by extinguishing the candles. You may choose to leave the crystals on your altar or carry them with you as a talisman of abundance.

Remember, the key to a successful ritual is personalization. Feel free to modify these steps, add elements that resonate with you, and make this ritual a reflection of your unique connection with the energies of the New Moon in Sagittarius.

Tara Redfield