Understanding Libra Season

Welcome BALANCE season! The more I think about the sign Libra, the more its significance stands out to me. Yes, it's the sign that rules balance, relationships, peace, and beauty... but, it's also the sign that so clearly shares the truth that the entire universe is built on a system of duality. Balance is the ultimate law. There is no darkness without light, but also, there is no light without darkness. There is no give, without take, there is no love without pain, there is no loss without gain. Libra season reminds us that even in the worst of times, goodness will return, and the things that we have lost will be replaced. Life is a constant balancing act and while we may not ever get our scales to hang perfectly centered, we can trust that one side will not feel too heavy or too light forever.

Symbolized by the scales, Libra is all about equilibrium, fairness, and collaboration. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, this sign is also deeply connected to aesthetics, diplomacy, and forming meaningful connections. Libra season invites us to seek beauty in our surroundings, value the opinions of others, and cultivate a sense of cooperation in our interactions.

For the next few weeks, we're reminded to find balance in our lives. Take a moment to evaluate different aspects of your life – work, relationships, personal growth, and leisure – and consider where adjustments are needed. Strive to create a harmonious flow between these areas, ensuring that one doesn't overshadow the others.

This is an excellent time to connect with others, mend strained relationships, and forge new connections. Focus on active listening and empathy and aim to understand the perspectives of those around you. Whether it's through heartfelt conversations or spending quality time with loved ones, invest in your relationships.

With Libra’s emphasis on beauty — this is the time of year for us in the Northern Hemisphere to witness and appreciate the vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows of the turning leaves by going for walks in nature! You might feel called to redecorate your living space or engage with art, music, or any form of creative expression that you find beautiful during this time.

When it comes to our bodies, Libra rules the lower back, kidneys and yes, the buttocks. How do you treat these parts of your body? Does your posture and seating support your lower back? Might be a good time to learn some new stretches and exercises to support these muscles. Remember to support your kidneys by drinking plenty of water and electrolyte-rich fluids to flush out toxins throughout the day and give them a break from alcohol and heavily salted foods.

By aligning ourselves with the strengths of Libra, we can cultivate harmony and set the stage for personal growth and positive transformations.


  1. Reflect on different areas of your life - work, relationships, personal time, self-care, and more. How are these aspects currently balanced or imbalanced? What adjustments can you make to create a more harmonious equilibrium?

  2. How can you foster more positive and meaningful relationships during this season?

  3. Who is your favorite artist and why? What do you find beautiful about their work?

Libra Quote

“I always referred to ‘No Doubt’ as a marriage, because that's what it's like to be together for so long and go through what we've been through.” - Gwen Stefani; Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus in Libra

Tara Redfield