What Does Saturn Retrograde Mean for You? Let’s Break Down this Transit!

Last week, shortly after the New Moon in Gemini, Saturn, the planet of rules and discipline stationed retrograde at 7° Pisces. Saturn will stay in this retrograde phase through November 4th, traveling back to 0° Pisces. This gives us about four months of Saturn related introspection.

In the ethereal realm of Pisces, a compassionate and imaginative water sign, Saturn's retrograde journey assumes an intriguing role. Under this influence, the introspective nature of Saturn retrograde takes on a softer, more intuitive tone, inviting us to delve into the hidden depths of our emotions and beliefs. It's a time to connect with our dreams, trust our inner guidance, and seek solace in practices that nourish the soul, such as meditation, journaling, or energy work.

In general, this period also encourages us to redefine our limits, release outdated patterns, and reconfigure our goals and ambitions to align with our evolving sense of purpose. On the individual level, this transit can affect different areas of our lives depending on where the sign of Pisces takes up space in our natal charts (see below).

Additionally, for those with natal planets in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces between 0 - 7° you can expect to feel a greater sense of responsibility and possible delays over the next few months. Essentially, Saturn will be applying extra pressure to these points in your chart which can make things feel stuck or slow-moving. Stay strong, it’s just a test!

What This Saturn Phase Means for You

*These readings are approximate, for the most accurate reading, reference your natal chart to see which house 0-7° Pisces falls in.

Aries Rising (12th House)

This is a time to unravel hidden patterns, unresolved issues, and buried emotions that may be holding you back from personal growth. Through self-reflection, therapy, or other transformative practices, you can bring these deep-seated elements to light and heal the wounds of the past that you have kept hidden.

Taurus Rising (11th House)

It’s wise for you to reflect on the quality of your connections, the roles you play within groups, and the values you share with like-minded individuals during this time. It's also beneficial to release toxic relationships, and nurture the connections that align with your growth and authenticity. Only keep around the friendships that feel sturdy and supportive to you.

Gemini Rising (10th House)

Now is an ideal time to reevaluate your career choices and ambitions. Reflect on the authenticity and fulfillment of your current path. This period invites you to question whether your goals align with your true purpose and to make adjustments if necessary. You are being given the opportunity to align your professional aspirations with your core values and passions.

Cancer Rising (9th House)

You can take this time to explore your personal beliefs and philosophies. You are being urged to question the foundations upon which you have built your understanding of the world. This period invites you to critically reassess your belief systems, expand your perspectives, and embrace the fluidity of knowledge. If you happen to be in the middle of any legal challenges at this time, be prepared for the progress to slow down.

Leo Rising (8th House)

This transit encourages you to pursue authentic and meaningful relationships that support your emotional growth. It prompts you to prioritize emotional intimacy, vulnerability, and trust in your connections. It also calls for honest communication, setting boundaries, and nurturing relationships that align with your emotional needs and letting go those that don’t. Embrace the process of shedding the old and making space for the new, paving the way for transformation in your life.

Virgo Rising (7th House)

For you, this is an important time to reflect on the quality of your partnerships, the balance of give and take, and the level of commitment and responsibility you bring to your connections. This period invites you to assess the dynamics within your relationships and make adjustments where necessary. Focus on building relationships on mutual respect, shared values, and a genuine desire for growth and connection.

Libra Rising (6th House)

You are being asked to reassess your commitment to your daily work, establish efficient routines, and approach your tasks with diligence and dedication. This period calls for a focus on productivity and the development of a healthy work-life balance. It’s also time to reflect on your routines, self-care practices, and habits that contribute to your overall physical and mental well-being.

Scorpio Rising (5th House)

It’s time for you to reassess the dedication and effort you put into honing your talents and expressing yourself creatively and authentically. This period calls for a structured approach to your creative projects, setting goals, and committing to consistent practices to unleash your personal potential and self-expression. This transit also calls for moderation, self-discipline, and the restructuring of healthy and fulfilling sources of joy.

Sagittarius Rising (4th House)

This is an ideal time for you to reflect on your relationship with your parents and on your family life as a whole. Don’t be afraid to address any unresolved issues or emotional wounds. This period calls for open communication, forgiveness, and the setting of healthy boundaries within your familial relationships. In terms of your physical home, it can also be a good time to reassess your living situation, work on establishing a solid foundation if you feel one is lacking, and create a space that nourishes your emotional well-being. Some of you may even start on a home remodel!

Capricorn Rising (3rd House)

You will experience growth if you take this time to reflect on how you express yourself verbally and non-verbally, and to reassess the effectiveness of your communication style. This period calls for clarity, honesty, and the development of active listening skills to grow meaningful connections. You are also invited to practice mental discipline and not let yourself become easily distracted when important work needs to get done. If you have siblings, welcome open communication, resolve conflicts, and establish healthy boundaries with them, if needed.

Aquarius Rising (2nd House)

Now is a perfect opportunity for you to focus on financial responsibility. This transit invites you to reflect on your spending habits, savings strategies, and overall approach to managing your resources. This period also calls for discipline, budgeting, and the establishment of long-term financial goals to secure your material stability. It also urges you to assess whether your material pursuits align with your authentic values.

Pisces Rising (1st House)

You can take use this time to develop self-discipline and take responsibility for your own life. This retrograde prompts you to reassess your habits, physical routines, and overall approach to personal growth. This period calls for commitment, perseverance, and the development of a strong sense of self-reliance. You can confront any limiting beliefs or self-doubt at this time.

Tara Redfield