Your Prenatal Solar Eclipse and What it Reveals About Your Soul's Journey!

Lately I’ve been studying what is known as the prenatal solar eclipse. I find it incredibly fascinating that this point in time holds even more information about our personal journey here on Earth. You can think of the prenatal solar eclipse as the chart of the soul before it enters the physical body.  It’s often overlooked, but profoundly significant. When we’re aware of its placement, it holds the potential to shape our lives in profound ways.

The prenatal solar eclipse, refers to the solar eclipse that occurs before an individual's birth.  For example, I was born on December 20th, 1983. The solar eclipse that occurred before my birth was on December 4th, 1983.  This moment in time, before we are born, symbolizes a powerful  alignment, where the Moon momentarily obscures the radiant Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. This specific eclipse marks a pivotal moment in the prenatal journey, shaping our cosmic imprint and contributing to our unique astrological makeup - in addition to our natal charts!

Where the positioning of the prenatal solar eclipse falls in your natal chart reveals valuable insights into the inherent strengths, challenges, and potentials you may encounter throughout your lifetime. By observing the astrological house in which the eclipse falls, along with its aspects to other planets, you can see the specific areas of life that will be affected by this cosmic event.

Every prenatal solar eclipse carries its own distinct energy and lessons. The sign and degree of the eclipse unveil its thematic focus and provide crucial information about the challenges and transformations you may experience. For instance, a prenatal solar eclipse in fiery, energetic Aries may ignite a strong sense of independence, pushing the individual to forge their path fearlessly, while an eclipse in watery, sensitive Cancer could emphasize emotional growth and the importance of nurturing personal connections. If you feel like a part of you isn’t being fulfilled - your prenatal eclipse sign could fill in some gaps!

The prenatal solar eclipse also has profound karmic implications, revealing patterns from past lives and the karmic purpose in this lifetime. It holds the potential to illuminate unresolved issues or unfinished business, especially if it makes hard aspects to other planets in your natal chart, urging you to confront and overcome these challenges. By acknowledging the lessons presented by the prenatal solar eclipse, you can release karmic burdens, and embrace personal growth with more compassion and understanding.

Explore the qualities associated with the sign and house placement of the eclipse as it lays in your natal chart. Reflect on the themes and lessons that emerge. By embracing this energy, you can align yourself with your true potential.

Remember, astrology offers a powerful tool for self-reflection, but it’s our own actions and choices that shape our destiny. I hope the discovery of your prenatal solar eclipse inspires you to navigate life's challenges with grace, and embrace the wonders of the universe!

How to Create your Prenatal Solar Eclipse Chart

  1. Use google or another search engine to request the solar eclipses of the year you were born. Use the date of the one closest to your exact birth date. For some, you will need to look to the previous year. That will usually be for January or February birth dates. If you are skilled with an ephemeris, you can use that as well.

  2. Once you have the date, then use your search bar again to ask what time the eclipse happened on that date. I recommend clicking on the link to the website for the best answer. Make sure to adjust the time for the location you were born.

  3. Go to, if you don’t already have a free account you can create one. Click on your profile and create a new chart.

  4. Enter the date, time and location of the eclipse. You will use the same location as where you were born - unless your mother was traveling and in a different location at the time of the eclipse, then use that location.

  5. After creating the chart you will see the sun and moon conjunct - they represent the moment the eclipse happened. Lastly, you can use this chart and compare it to your own natal chart.

For additional support and understanding of your prenatal eclipse, you are also welcome to book a personal reading with me!

Tara Redfield